Obviously, there are many differences.   But what it really boils down to is this:  If you are prepared to spend the time and effort to remove and replace the Safety Net, this is the better option.  If you are not prepared to do this, the Baby Fence is the better option for you.  Following are two images that show a “before” and “after” back yard.

Con’s of a Kid Safe Pool Net:  

There is only one real “con”.  The Kid Safe Pool Net takes time and effort to use. On a standard size pool (15 x 30) it takes the average homeowner (one person) about 5 minutes to remove and about 10 minutes to replace (my installers do the same task in about 2 minutes off and 5 minutes on).  By contrast, a traditional Baby Fence takes just a short time to open or close the gate. 

Pro’s of a Kid Safe Pool Net:

  1. Safety:

 A Kid Safe Pool Net forms an absolute barrier to the water. A child cannot climb over it, get under it or go through it to swim in the pool. Period.  In over thirty years of use, we know of no accident occurring where a Pool Safety Net has been properly in place. A traditional Baby Fence on the other hand is NOT an absolute Barrier.  Kids of all ages can (and do) climb over it, sometimes using your patio furniture or their toys to assist them, or even learn to open the gate just as you do. This is more of an issue in a household where there is an older and younger child.  The older child opens the gate, the younger follows.   

2. Aesthetics:

 A Kid Safe Pool Net does not detract from your pool or garden.  Your Backyard is your play area.  We know many people spend tens of thousands of dollars on improving and creating a sanctuary in which to relax and unwind.  There should not be a barrier that cuts that space, or the view of that space from within your home or from your patio.              

3.Use of Backyard and Pool: 

A Kid Safe Pool Net takes up no additional deck space. It is installed at the edge of the pool and follows the contours of the pool exactly.  You don’t even need a deck around your pool.  By Code, a Baby Fence has to be installed 18 inches back from the edge of the pool, which takes up over around 200 square feet of deck area on a regular 15 x 30 pool.  Further, when the Safety Net is off the Pool, the pool can be used as it was intended to be used.  The kids can run around the pool and jump in or climb out anywhere.  They are not limited to walking between the pool edge and the Baby Fence.     

4. Storage and Use: 

When not in use, a Kid Safe Pool Net can be stored in a relatively small patio box or in a cardboard box on a shelf in the garage.  It can be quickly and easily retrieved and re-installed in a few minutes if needed (if grand-kids are visiting, or if friends with small kids are visiting).  By contrast, a Baby Fence has to be rolled and stored in a large area, and takes a long time to re-install if taken down. This is particularly important when you are deciding which Barrier to choose in order to meet State Barrier Requirements when you have no young kids in the house. 

4. Storage and Use: 

When not in use, a Kid Safe Pool Net can be stored in a relatively small patio box or in a cardboard box on a shelf in the garage.  It can be quickly and easily retrieved and re-installed in a few minutes if needed (if grand-kids are visiting, or if friends with small kids are visiting).  By contrast, a Baby Fence has to be rolled and stored in a large area, and takes a long time to re-install if taken down. This is particularly important when you are deciding which Barrier to choose in order to meet State Barrier Requirements when you have no young kids in the house. 

Baby Fence
Pool Net